Monday, December 21, 2015


Dizem que à terceira é de vez, e secalhar é verdade. Já tinha combinado imensas vezes ir subir a Torre dos Clérigos, mas havia sempre algum contratempo que me impedia de o fazer. Desta vez, e à terceira, lá fui. Um look confortável, mas trendy para este dia que prometia ser fantástico.

Espero que gostem.

They say the third time's the charm, and maybe it's true. He had combined many times going up the Tower of Clerics, but there was always some mishap that prevented me from doing so. This time, and third, there was. A comfortable but trendy look to this day that promised to be fantastic.

I hope you enjoy.

Malha/Knit: Salsa
Camisa/Shirt: Srinpgfield
Calças/Jeans: Zara
Sapatilhas/Sneakers: Stradivarius
Mala/Bag: Parfois
Óculos/Sunglasses: Bijou Brigitte

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